Raw organic meal lightly sweet delivers 20 grams of clean protein per serving from 13 raw sprouted ingredients, along with greens, healthy fat, fiber, probiotics, enzymes, plus 18 vitamins and minerals. And the new and improved taste and texture brings your yummy lightly sweet meal replacement shake to the next level with this stevia free protein powder.
Product Benefits
Whole Food Vitamins & Minerals. 6g Fiber. Probiotics & Enzymes.
Boosts Energy & Builds Lean Muscle. Helps You Stay Full Longer .
New & Improved Taste And Texture.
Directions: Mix 1 level scoop (scoop included) with 8 ounces of water for a shake. Mix 2
levels scoops with 16 ounces of water for a meal. Delicious with unsweetened almond or rice milk.
Special Note
Herbspro.com offers
nationally branded products that are produced according to manufacturing standards
set by regulators at everyday low prices. Do not use unproven, unbranded products, which can pose serious risks to your health.
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